Planet Patrol is a group of Earth-loving 4th and 5th graders at East Side Elementary School in
Marietta, Georgia. We meet before school once a month, and work on projects and gather for
fun "green" activities throughout the year. We care about the protection of our planet
and all it's resources and we want to spread the word to other kids!
Become a Follower and read what we're up to!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

2011-2012 Planet Patrol Gets Started!!

This morning was the first meeting of the 2011-2012 school year. We've got a great group--about 30 kids! Thank you to Laura Bango, Glynis Holihan, and Idit Ben-Simon for volunteering your early morning time to help with our first meeting!

After introducing ourselves we talked about CHOICES. We all make choices throughout our day that can help or harm the Earth. Here are some examples:

- whether to purchase something new or used
purchasing used or recycled keeps items out of the landfill
choosing not to purchase but to swap or use hand-me-downs saves natural resources
- checking packaging--is it recycled? is it recyclable?
- where to put our trash
putting it in the landfill is a last resort
recycling it keeps it in the flow and helps protect our air, water, and animals

In Planet Patrol this year we have some great opportunities to make a positive difference!
- In school: Recycle Fridays, No Idle Awareness Week, Waste Free Lunch Days, Walk to School Days, etc.
- In our community: cleaning up our parks, understanding how to protect wild animals and their habitats, planting trees and flowers to help with erosion or just to give back to the Earth
- In our homes: being a good example by leading our families in making Earth-friendly choices, like recycling, conserving water and energy, and more!

Wonderful team work (and patience!) was shown when we worked together to assemble 6 new recycling containers for bottles and cans.

They can be found now in the cafeteria, teacher lunch room, gym, and some teacher work rooms. Great Job!!

I will be sending out an email in the next week with some opportunities to help make posters for No Idle Awareness Week, a cool recycled-material card for Custodian Appreciation Day (they help us a lot with recycling at the school), and to remind you all of National Walk to School Day on Oct. 5. In the meantime, our next morning meeting will be Thursday, 10/13 so put that on your calendar!

If you have any questions or want to add something to the blog, just email me!
Thanks everyone! ~Mrs. Zegers

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